Selasa, 27 Maret 2012

sick on recording

so i got sick right, i think i caught flu or something and its the part when your throat hurts like hell, and after this i'll be having major snots inside my nose, my head hurts also.. but i managed to record my first band version song for "wolves knives"! yay! i recorded it on my friend's place between 12am-6am ah GAH~ its so exhausting, i litterally sang with the rest of the remaining voice cus my throat hurts like hell.. maybe i'll fix it in another chance.. when my body gets better.. but hey, without trying to be a nice guy and all that im still uploading the crappy song i just did.. its called "
blessing your lies" and i recorded every tracks in that song (drums, guitars, bass, etc) hope you guys like it


wolves knives.
is slowly recording songs.

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